5月22(日)-31(火)米国訪問。A Trip to the U.S. on May 22-31.

ミシガン州フランケンムースの歩道。Sidewalk in Frankenmuth, MI.
ミシガン州フランケンムースの歩道。Sidewalk in Frankenmuth, MI.



1) 訪問の概要




(1) ウェストバージニア(WV)州を訪問し、ジャクソン郡経済開発局(JCDA)局長マーク・ホィットリー様(マーク様)にお会いすること

(2) オハイオ州で5/24-26に開催されるISA(国際オートメーション学会)の大会に参加し、弊社の研究・開発について発表すること

(3) ミシガン州にある日系ボルト工場を訪問すること








1) Outline of the visit


Urakabe of Bezalel visited the U.S. from May 22-31. The destinations and the purposes were as followings :


(1) Visit to West Virginia (WV) and see the director of Jacson County Development Authority (JCDA), Mr. Mark Whitely (Mark-san)

(2) Participation in an ISA (International Society of Automation) symposium in Ohio and doing presentation on my company's R&D issue

(3) Visit to a Japanese fastener factory in Michigan


The right-above picture is one scene taken during doing sightseeing in the town named Frankenmuth in Michigan.


JCDAのオフィスでマーク様と記念写真。 Memorial picture with Mark-san at a JCDA office
JCDAのオフィスでマーク様と記念写真。 Memorial picture with Mark-san at a JCDA office



2) WV州への訪問












2) Visit to WV


In April in Japan, he saw again Mr. Mark Whitley (Mark-san) who is the director of Jacson County Development Authority (JCDA) of the State of WV (now good friend ! ). At the meeting, he was invited from Mark-san to visit WV during his originally planned trip to the U.S. to visit Ohio and Michigan in last May.


On may 22-24, during this trip, he visited Jacson County, WV and saw again Mark-san. He took Urakabe to various places in the county.


Urakabe visited the workplace of Mark-san, an office of JCDA and received the explanation on its public business.


最上部:WVのなかのジャクソン郡。2番目:同郡内の丘陵地帯。3番目:リプリー市のキャロライン・レイダー市長と。4番目:マーク様とガールフレンドのジランナ様 。The top : Jacon County in WV. The 2nd : The hill area in the same county. The 3rd : With Mayor Caroline Rader of Ripley City. The 4th : Mark-san and his girlfriend, Jilanna-san
最上部:WVのなかのジャクソン郡。2番目:同郡内の丘陵地帯。3番目:リプリー市のキャロライン・レイダー市長と。4番目:マーク様とガールフレンドのジランナ様 。The top : Jacon County in WV. The 2nd : The hill area in the same county. The 3rd : With Mayor Caroline Rader of Ripley City. The 4th : Mark-san and his girlfriend, Jilanna-san























He visited some companies in Jacson County via introduction of Mark-san. JCDA has invited foreign companies to the county, and many Japanese companies have already advanced there.


Having a drive on the hill areas with rich nature in the county, he could have sight seeing in some cities. One of them is Ripley City where the previous-mentioned office of JCDA is located. Urakabe could have courtesy visit to the City Hall and meet with Mayor Caroline Rader. She is a very friendly woman and introduced the City Council to him.




This time's visit to WV, he got the following things :


•He could get close to Mark-san. He thinks that it’s some kind of fate that we encountered.
•He could learn in West Virginia in many points the business culture of the U.S. and the situation of Japanese companies
  which enter there. The business culture between American companies is quite different from the one between Japanese
•He felt that the environment and the resident cultures are much different in the U.S. depending on the state. The
  environment with rich nature in WV resembled that in Japan.
Thanks to Mark-san, he could make a foundation of the various possibilities. He much expects the future evolution.


オハイオでISAの大会に参加。Participation in the ISA symposium
オハイオでISAの大会に参加。Participation in the ISA symposium



3) ISA (国際オートメーション学会)への参加


2016年5月24日(火)~26日(木)、オハイオ州デイトン市で、会員であるISAの国際計装大会 (IIS) が開催されました。その大会に参加し、25(水)、弊社の研究開発について発表を行いました。


こちらはISAの年一回の計装系中規模大会です。大会の趣旨は、計装・データシステム・通信・測定学・安全計装システム、プロセス分析等の分野の最新知見の情報交換を行うことです。弊社が継続的に開発しているADS (自動分配システム) の進捗状況について30分程、発表と質疑応答の時間を持ちました。










 ARIMAEPABayesian VAR等の予測法の導入を期待して頂きました。






3) Partipation in the ISA symposium


 On May 24-26, 2016 in Dayton, Ohio, a symposium called International Instrumentation Symposium (IIS) of ISA (International Society of Automation) which he belongs to was held. He joined the symposium and did presentation on the company's R&D on Wednesday, May 25.


This is an annual instrumentation middle-sized symposium. Its gist was to exchange the latest information on instrumentation, data system, telecommunication, metrology, safe instrumentation system, process analysis, and etc. He had 30 minitues for presenation and Q&A  for the progress situation of ADS which Bezalel continuously has developed.



He got the below things during the participation.


・This symposium mainly dealt with the fields of instrumentation and machine failure predictive maintenance. The
  failure inspection is something which meets with the overall direction of our company. He could feel a little bit its world
•He eagerly discussed with young and senior automation engineers with various fields gathering from the world.
  Furthermore, he communicated with staffs of the ISA headquarter and section, and realized their high activities that
  they discuss very actively regardless of their social status. He could get various precious connections.
Presentation related to productivity like ADS was somehow very unique. Many persons gave him applause on the
  experiment device, and expected the application of ARIMA, EPA, and Bayesian VAR.



最上部:セムスボルト、2-3番目ボルト工場、4番目:クリスマステーマパーク、5番目:トレーダージョーズ。The top: The sems bolt, the 2nd and 3rd: the fastener factories, 4th: Chrismas theme park, 5th: Trader Joes.
最上部:セムスボルト、2-3番目ボルト工場、4番目:クリスマステーマパーク、5番目:トレーダージョーズ。The top: The sems bolt, the 2nd and 3rd: the fastener factories, 4th: Chrismas theme park, 5th: Trader Joes.



4) ミシガン州にある日系ボルト工場への訪問
















































4) Visit to the Japanese fastener factory in Michigan


On May 27-29, he visited some Japanese fastener factory in some city near Ann Arbor in Michigan. 


The area: a couple of thousand squared meters, the fachilities's area: 20-60 thousand squared meters,

operation duration: about a few decaade yrs, employees: about a few hundreds.

Main customers: Japanese and American automobil manufacturers.

Products: automobil bolts.


The Japanese acqaintance who works for this company invited Urakabe this time. The purpose of this time were as followings:


            ・Seeing around the factory

            ・Survey the FA situation as a Japanese fastener factory in the U.S.

            ・To learn their activities toward IoT, the problems on the spot, the expectation on the FA industry.

            ・Presentation on the activities of my company, etc.


The persons from Japan including the acquaintance and the persons empolyed there welcomed Urakabe warmly, and he communictaed with them in many things.


The left top image shows a sems bolt of that company's group.


On Sunday, May 29, the acquaintance drove with Urakabe to each place in Michigan from Ann Arbor to Frankenmuth, and Urakabe could have sightseeing. The left third image shows some Christmas theme park in Frankenmuth. Near Ann Arbor, they went to the super market, Trader Joe's having eco bags of their company's own brand which are in fashion in Japan.



The visit to this fastener factory, he got the followings:


In this Japanese factory, Japanese production technology and American production management are being used.

Recognition of the IoT seems not high. Although it is so in Japan too, while the automation industry is much trying to
   pay attention, the users are still doing wait-and-see.
In the case of Japanese subsidiaries, intentions of the parent company are reflected even though the subsidiary is
   another company. They save the trading area even if there is a potential customer near it.

Large expectation for the FA industry to the better inspection and intervention systems for defect products



ミシガン州立公園内のヒューロン川。Huron River in a Michigan state park.
ミシガン州立公園内のヒューロン川。Huron River in a Michigan state park.



5) 米国訪問で得たこと


— ウェストバージニア州訪問では、今後の様々なコネクションの礎


— ISAの大会では、開発案件ADS」の今後に新たな展開がみえまし



— ミシガン州の日系ボルト工場では、FA事情の日米の共通点と違い


     —  米国内米系の金属加工工場では、町工場でもSCADAは浸



— 弊社の米国展開の可能性を、見極めることができました。






5) What he got in the trip to the U.S.


— In the visit to West Virginia, he could make the foundation of the various connection in the near future.

— At 2016 ISA-IIS, he saw the technologies which might help the future advancement of our ADS. He realized the

    direction of the FA industry in the communication with engineers in the world.

— In the Japanese fastener factory in Michigan, he could feel the differences of the FA situations between the U.S. and


         ◦ In American metal work factories in the U.S., even to the small factories, the SCADA systems are spread. The

                 motivation for the application of the probability and statistics theories is high. There is a basis for the

                 dissemination of IoT, and the users seem to be already starting it in American companies in the U.S. Meanwhile,

                 Japanese companies in the U.S.…

— Overall, he could see and think about the possibility for his company to advance to the U.S.


Automation for the World Wealth




English version of the website is next to the Japanese one.